
Unlock the Potential of HR Communication with Animated Videos

If you believe animated videos are exclusive to marketing, you might be overlooking a powerful tool that can significantly enhance HR communications within your organization. While marketers appreciate animation for its effectiveness in conveying messages, its utility extends beyond marketing endeavors and can be harnessed by HR professionals for both internal and external communications.

Animation in Internal HR

1. New Initiatives or Protocol Changes

In the realm of internal communication, HR departments can leverage animated videos to streamline the delivery of crucial information such as new initiatives or protocol changes. Whether it’s updated regulations, benefits, requirements, or payroll grids, animated videos offer a concise, rapid, and efficient means of explanation to keep all employees informed.

2. Onboarding Instructions

Animated videos prove invaluable during the onboarding process for new employees. By presenting company operation rules in a simple and engaging manner, these videos not only facilitate understanding but also contribute to a welcoming and exciting introduction for new team members.

3. Training

For professional development purposes, HR departments can use animation to enhance employee training. By injecting creativity into training materials, HR animation ensures high engagement, breaking the monotony often associated with conventional training tools like PowerPoint.

External HR Leveraging Animation

1. Employer Branding Films

In the external sphere, animation serves as a valuable tool for employer branding. Attracting top talent requires standing out, and animated videos showcasing company culture can effectively engage professionals seeking new opportunities.

2. Announcements about Open Positions

A short, lively animated video can be a compelling way to advertise open positions, providing an appealing overview of specific job details and key responsibilities.

3. Recruitment Company Animation

Recruitment agencies can utilize explainer videos to highlight their processes and advantages, strengthening their brand and engaging potential clients more effectively.

Why Animation?

In a world saturated with information, audio-video communication remains the most efficient way to deliver messages, aiding quick comprehension and memorization of new data. Animated videos address the challenge of diminishing attention spans, with research indicating that 65% of video-watchers view more than 3/4 of a video.

People prefer watching short explainer videos over reading lengthy texts, as videos generate lower cognitive load, allowing employees to focus on essential information and retain it more effectively. A recent Facebook report revealed that people spend five times longer looking at videos than static content on social media platforms.

Overcoming Representation Dilemmas

One of the key advantages of animated videos in HR is overcoming representation challenges. Real people may be unavailable or camera-shy, and hiring models or actors can compromise authenticity. Animation provides a solution, offering a visually appealing and effective alternative.

In a world where visual content takes precedence, animated videos emerge as a captivating and effortless medium for HR communication. Experiment with producing an engaging HR animation for your company, and witness the myriad benefits this dynamic medium can bring to your organization.